11 May
We are pleased to announce that Balton is participating in the conference XXI Scientific and Training Conference "Progress in vascular surgery" on May 11 - 13, 2023 at the Lublin Conference Center in Lublin.
During this event, we cordially invite you to a lecture by Prof. Przemysław Nowakowski, MD, PhD. entitled: "The use of a dedicated MER stent in the treatment of carotid artery stenoses, 6 years of experience.", friday, May 12, 2023 | 8:12 - 8:24.
We also invite you to workshop accompanying the conference: "Treatment of varicose veins of the lower limbs using the Flebogrif system", which will be conducted by Aoc. Prof. Tomasz Zubilewicz MD, Ph.D. and Piotr Terlecki MD, Ph.D., saturday, May 13, 2023 | 9:30-11:15.